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NEWS [7/24/06]: Global GEAR Project -Sons of the Dark Magicians
GEAR is proud to announce that Sons of the Dark Magicians [SoDM] have joined the alliance! GEAR ALLIANCE also includes OC, an Aussie/New Zealand guild, as well as TIFA, a UK guild on the euro server. We are Currently looking for more members to help grow our International community. The goal is to have players on 24/7. While we are casual and Dial up friendly, daily/frequent players are encouraged to sign up here if they are interested in playing with us. We are also looking to add 2 new guilds from each of these time zones: American & UK(Euro).Experience in PvP will be a plus; Drop us a line if you would like to ally. Oh yeah -there may be some rap battles.
VOTE FOR THE GEAR TRICK AT TWC: make that number go up!